Ministry of Finance

Work hours – Accountant General

Dear members,

You are hereby informed that following the updates you have received concerning the organizations ceaseless efforts to increase accountant general work hour rates (memorandum pages 1018, 1027, 1092) and subject to the extensive work performed over the past several month at the organization (by a team of Precise economists), a joint business meeting with Senior Deputy of the accountant general, Mr. Dan Jonah, took place on 18.10.2017 in the Ministry of Finance in Jerusalem.

The meeting was attended by IOCEA representatives: Adv. Avraham Poraz, Chairman of IOCEA; the CEO of LAHAV (Chamber of Independent Organizations and Businesses), accountant general representative to the IOCEA, Precise representative, and the signee.

During the meeting, IOCEA Chairman gave a comprehensive presentation created for the purpose of an in-depth discussion of the topic (presented below). The presentation included copious data testifying to the magnitude of lost work hour value, rate and wages comparison between Israel and the world, the increasing absence of civil engineers, index gaps and the immediate need for their updating, accountant general rate comparison with other professions, the immediate need to cancel time loss fees for overtime, etc. The process of data collection and its editing into a comprehensive presentation to back up our claims took great time and effort.

The meeting took place in a casual yet topical atmosphere, and covered the aforementioned topics as well as demands for updated work hour rates, as detailed in the presentation and its conclusions. Throughout the meeting and in its end, Mr. Jonah declared that the demands presented by the Chairman were clear, and he intends to conduct a comprehensive internal meeting within the accountant general department and form a stance on the matter as quickly as possible.

We will continue to promote this matter through every channel, as necessary (including via Adv. Poraz, through parliamentary channels, and with the help of LAHAV), until the requested amendments are made.
We will continue to update as the events progress.

Lior Bar-On, Adv.
General Manager